Why Do I Have Low Back Pain At Work And What Can I Do About It?
Posted on 14. Nov, 2011 by Michael in Back Pain
Low back pain problems are one of the most common ailments in society. There are risk factors that predispose some people to back aches more than others. Some of these risk factors are genetic while others are occupational. It may not be possible to eliminate some risk factors since, for example, it is quite difficult to change careers. However, there are daily measures one can take to mitigate these risk factors and reduce and lose the back pain.
Prolonged sitting weakens the exact back muscles needed for a strong, stable back. This is mainly through inactivity since muscles are made to move and engage throughout the day. Standing up and taking a 2 minute walk every hour is extremely helpful to keep the back and pelvic muscles active and functional.
Recreational walks for a mere 24 minutes daily does wonders for low back pains and the muscles to keep them “firing.” The human body is designed to move, not sit, so basically “use it or lose it.”
Prolonged sitting also increases the pressure on the discs in the lower spin giving you another excuse to stand often and take a brief walk.
While you can’t always control your occupation, you can control the postural alignment you sit in. When sitting, one of the keys to a pain-free back is to sit with your ears, shoulders and hips directly lined up when looking at you from the side. Swaying back in that thousand dollar chair only causes more muscle imbalances and ultimately more pain. Sit up on your “sit bones” instead of slouching on your buttocks. This means having a slight curve in your lower back. Keep your ankles directly below your knees, and your feet pointed straight ahead. The direction your feet point reflects rotation in your hips and pelvis, so give your back a break and point them in neutral position straight ahead.
Many lower, middle and upper back pain sufferers are also found in strenuous occupations such as construction. This category of persons usually suffers more from back ache than white collar folk. However, white collar workers also suffer with back pain and are at greater risk for carpal tunnel symptoms due to long hours at a computer monitor, with poor posture and rounded shoulders.
Lifting heavy loads in awkward positions weakens the muscles of the lower back over time. However, good ergonomics can prevent this. An example of good ergonomics is symmetrical lifting i.e. ensuring the back is straight while lifting and trying to focus most of the weight on the legs. Lifting anything, even a light object, in a twisting motion should be avoided completely. A bit of common sense can also help avoid unnecessary injury. For example, do not try to be superman when a weight is clearly beyond you – ask for help. Try to keep your shoulders directly over your hips as much as possible to decrease the force that goes into your ligaments.
Each occupation has its own unique demands and should be approached differently. At the end of the day, proper posture is the key to avoiding back pain , whether severe or mild.
If you’re a Los Angeles Back Pain sufferer or looking for a pain management or pain relief specialist, call now.