Michael’s Story
“How I Eliminated My Back Pain FOREVER”
A graduate of the University of Colorado, Boulder in Kinesiology/Exercise Physiology, as well as Certified Neuromuscular Therapist, Michael’s rigorous study and committed research on the human body enables him to get to the root cause and eliminate your pain. While millions of Americans suffer needlessly from some form of chronic pain, he devotes his practice to discovering the source to people’s endless list of knots and spasms.
His clientele varies from senior citizens to elite athletes, dancers, executives, and working professionals committed to getting rid of their back, neck or shoulder pain forever, end their headaches and arthritis pain for good, improve their golf or tennis game, lower their blood pressure naturally, and instantly reduce stress—all without any drugs or pills… in 60 minutes or less.
Michael has a vested personal interest in studying the origins of muscular pain because he seriously injured his back playing basketball when he was thirteen with a cracked vertebra in his lower back. For years, he suffered from excruciating lower back pain because of the increased tension placed on the muscles trying to hold the entire vertebra structure in place. As an athlete growing up playing many sports, Michael’s back would periodically lock-up or “freeze” and debilitate him for days. Thousands of dollars in medical expenses, pain pills, adjustments, and treatments left him with no relief.
Michael’s frustration with the medical establishment approach to treating chronic pain and his fear that the pain might never go away led him on his own healing journey. Through his research, he discovered that while the CAUSE or source of most pain conditions are muscular in origin (trigger points), no therapist he saw truly knew how to specifically target his pains and eliminate it.
So he began to study his own body and discovered that by working the muscles in detail and releasing the trigger points, his pain finally went away, not just temporarily, but for days. He sought out a neuromuscular therapist and received regular treatments and finally could play basketball again running up and down the court, as well as hike for hours, sleep better every night, stand, and work pain-free all day.
Along with specific lower abdominal exercises and core training of his transverse abdominus, multifidi, and oblique muscles to support this new “openness” in his lower back, Michael remains pain-free FOREVER.
Michael’s personal experiences of healing from a long life of chronic pain allows him to understand people’s frustrations on a physical and emotional level. He understands the suffering of pain left untreated and the medical establishment’s failure to get to the cause and source of peoples’ muscular pain.