Why Aren’t My Stretches Helping Me Lose The Back Pain?
Posted on 14. Nov, 2011 by Michael in Back Pain
Low back pain is a persistent problem for people who are unfortunate enough to suffer from it. It can come on and off for years. Often, it comes on as a result of overexertion such as lifting something heavy or engaging in physical activity after a long period of sedentary lifestyle.
However, many people seem to get relief after a few stretching exercises. Stretching regularly seems to help prevent injury and back problems brought on by daily activity. In fact, stretching prior to physical activity helps to release and balance the tight muscles and prevent injury.
However, when currently experiencing lower back pains, stretching may not be a good idea. While it is completely effective in preventing problems, stretching is a useless cure and can actually aggravate back ache depending on the nature and severity of the injury.
The purpose of stretching exercises is to lengthen tendons and muscles. Stretching does nothing to release the “landmine” knots called trigger points often at the source of back pain. And when experiencing back pain there are normally muscles that are already weak and overstretched. So instead of healing, stretching these muscles often creates muscle imbalances and instability of your pelvis.
The last thing you want to do when suffering with mild or severe back pain is overstretch an already overstretched muscle. This causes more muscle imbalances, pelvic instability, trigger points to activate, and more back pain. You need to know your exact muscle imbalances, which muscles are short, tight and weak, before deciding which muscles to stretch.
If you find yourself in the predicament where stretching does not relieve your upper or lower back pain and actually makes it worse, then you’re targeting the wrong muscles. You should take this as a sure sign of muscle imbalances and trigger points and consult with a qualified neuromuscular and posture realignment therapist. A neuromuscular therapist who is able to guide you in releasing your tight muscles, not the overstretched weak ones. And advise you on the appropriate exercises that only stretch the tight muscles without causing more stretch on the overstretched muscles.
If you’re a Los Angeles Back Pain sufferer or looking for a pain management or pain relief specialist, call now.