New Headache Pain Treatment Getting Amazing Results

New Headache Pain Treatment Getting Amazing Results

Posted on 14. Nov, 2011 by in Neck Pain / Headaches

It’s amazing when you think about the huge number of over-the-counter headache medication brands on the market. You just need to walk into a convenience or drug store, supermarket or gas station to be amazed at the abundance of headache or migraine pain relievers on the shelves. Americans consume ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin by the truckloads.

Think about this for a moment – doesn’t it seem like we pop a pill for every little ache or pain that we experience. When was the last time you asked yourself, “What could be causing this headache, migraine or neck pain?” Often, we are in a rush to feel better and do so at the expense of treating the real causes of headaches.

It is a well documented fact that there are numerous reasons that lead to tension or neck headaches. Amongst these are; chemical imbalances such as intoxication or dehydration. This is the main reason for a hangover headache. However, most of the headache medication found at drugstores and gas stations isn’t simply for the person with a hangover, it is actually marketed and targeted at people who suffer from a painful headache as a result of other causes for which they should seek proper treatment. Long term use of painkillers leads to serious side effects such as stomach bleeding, kidney failure and liver problems. Strong pain killers are actually addictive and can lead to chemical dependency.

But, what are these other reasons for headaches in the back of the head or behind the eyes that lead people down the perilous road of pain medication? Well, most headaches are actually triggered by muscle imbalances in the neck and shoulders due to poor posture or trauma. These muscle imbalances cause these little “landmine knots” called trigger points to literally “shoot” or radiate pain anywhere into the back of the head, eyes, ears, sinuses, jaw, face or head. The only way to get complete relief and deactivate or release these trigger points is from Neuromuscular Therapy and Posture Alignment Exercises. This gets rid of the trigger points directly causing the bad headache pain, and fixes any muscle imbalances that keep exacerbating them. No amount of pain medication can cure trigger point headaches, muscle imbalances or poor posture.

People often ask what a tension or trigger point headache is. To tell if your headache or migraine pain is a trigger point headache caused by muscular imbalances, whiplash or other related problems, seek out a qualified Neuromuscular Therapist and Posture Alignment Specialist. They pinpoint and release the exact trigger points in your neck and shoulders directly causing your headache pain in the eyes, ears, temples, top or back of head.

Neck and shoulder stiffness is also a sure sign it’s causing your headache or migraine pain. You can try and see if it is difficult to look over your shoulder. You should also take note of any tightness or dull ache in the neck, or pain, numbness or tingling down your arms. If your headaches come together with stiffness in the neck and shoulders, this is a clear sign of a muscle balance and trigger point problem. The stiffness does not have to be much to be an indicator – even mild stiffness/tension should be investigated by a qualified Neuromuscular Therapist and Posture Alignment Specialist.

If you’re a Los Angeles headache, migraine, or neck pain sufferer or looking for a pain management or pain relief specialist, call now.

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