Two Amazing Methods to Eliminate Your Pain!
Neuromuscular Therapy and Posture Alignment Therapy are unique and highly effective methods to eliminate or manage chronic pain like osteoarthritis, back, neck, knee or hip pain, degenerative disc disease, stress/tension headaches, even complex disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome or TMJ- all naturally and safely, without drugs, surgery, doctor visits or manipulation.
1. Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)
A highly effective method of pain-relief by manually releasing trigger points, muscle spasms and "landmine" knots, getting to the source of your aches and pains.
2. Posture Alignment Therapy
Simple muscle balance exercises, specific to client's unique posture and pain, often giving immediate relief and restoring the body back to its proper pain-free alignment and function.

What Kind of Pillow Should You Use, Especially If You Suffer With Any Neck, Shoulder, or Headache Pains?
Posted on 17. Aug, 2012 by Michael.
With so many pillow options on the market today, no wonder people are so confused as to which pillow makes the most sense. There are pillows for stomach sleepers, side sleepers, back sleepers, and insomniacs! To add to this, every pillow ad says they have the world’s greatest pillow to solve your aches and […]
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I am on Advil and Ibuprofen Yet My Headaches Are Getting Worse Instead of Improving
Posted on 29. Mar, 2012 by Michael.
Most of us know at least one person who suffers from migraine headaches or, persistently pounding headaches. According to medical data gathered in 2004, the percentage of adults that suffered from severe headaches and/or migraines was almost 20%. Migraines, characterized by throbbing pain and other debilitating symptoms, have no known cause, treatment or cure. Women […]
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Scientists long concluded the human body is made for walking. This was after lengthy studies of its design and upright posture. Despite this fact, many people rarely every walk. Gone are the hunter-gatherer days when a human being would trek long distances in search of food. These days, an average human being is seated most […]
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Why Do I Have Low Back Pain At Work And What Can I Do About It?
Posted on 14. Nov, 2011 by Michael.
Low back pain problems are one of the most common ailments in society. There are risk factors that predispose some people to back aches more than others. Some of these risk factors are genetic while others are occupational. It may not be possible to eliminate some risk factors since, for example, it is quite difficult […]
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Low back pain is a persistent problem for people who are unfortunate enough to suffer from it. It can come on and off for years. Often, it comes on as a result of overexertion such as lifting something heavy or engaging in physical activity after a long period of sedentary lifestyle. However, many people seem […]
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There are hundreds of thousands of back surgery operations carried out in the US each year thereby making back surgery one of the most common surgical operations. Common procedures include diskectomies, laminectomies, and fusions. Many people who eventually get back surgery begin by experiencing back problems such as herniated or slipped discs. Conventional medical practice […]
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It’s amazing when you think about the huge number of over-the-counter headache medication brands on the market. You just need to walk into a convenience or drug store, supermarket or gas station to be amazed at the abundance of headache or migraine pain relievers on the shelves. Americans consume ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin by the […]
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The largest and heaviest part of a human being is the head. In children, the head accounts for about 25% of their height. In adults, it weighs anywhere between 10 and 14 pounds. This considerable load has to be balanced by a complex system of neck and shoulder muscles. In adults with normal muscle balance […]
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Over the years people have come to accept that hand and wrist pain, tingling, or numbness signals localized injury. In any case, hundreds of people get wrist surgery every year to relieve these symptoms – it therefore seems logical to suspect injury when these symptoms manifest. What is not in the public arena is that […]
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Achieving a healthy, balanced and stable back can be problematic if you do not approach it holistically. What does holism mean? In general it is treating the person as a whole unit instead of individual parts, and using techniques that treat the body on many levels to get to the true cause. It’s approaching your […]